Conferència de Martin Bridson
Sala Nicoulau d’Olwer, Insitut d’Estudis Catalans
29 de novembre de 2018 a les 5 de la tarda
Xerrada de Martin Robert Bridson (professor a la Oxford University i president del Clay Mathematical Insitute).
Títol: Hyperbolic geometry: where battered gems retain their full beauty.
Resum: Hyperbolic geometry provides a rich setting in which many rigidity phenomena emerge.
In this talk for a general mathematical audience, I shall present several different types of rigidity phenomena, from Mostow’s classical rigidity theorem to generalizations involving the large-scale geometry of groups and spaces.
I shall end by sketching how a newly discovered rigidity phenomenon in hyperbolic geometry can be used to settle an old question concerning the difficulty of identifying an infinite group by studying its actions on finite objects.